Monday, October 12, 2009

Worm Fishing - Tips For Victorious Fishing' 'Angling

Worm Fishing - Tips For Victorious Fishing' 'Angling

Note: This article is about live worm fishing not plastic worm fishing

One of the most productive ways I found to to catch fish, peculiarly in the flow of humble rivers and streams, is worm fishing. As you will be able to in all probability tell this article Is not about the worm fishing that bass anglers pursue in, simply instead traditional worm fishing. In point of fact there have followed some discoveries in technology and Berkley makes Powerbait and Gulp plastic worms that are equally as efficient as real worms. This article concerns itself with worm fishing with either live or man-made worms such as Gulp night crawlers.

In this article you will acquire some outstanding tips for successful worm fishing. These tips were both learned by me by my fishing wise man and ascertained through of my own experience over the last 10 years of worm fishing. These tips are efficient and they'll make anybody a much more productive in worm fishing.

Nearly all of these tips are most proficient if employed in the running waters of either small rivers or streams, while they can be easily altered for most any worm fishing situation. Remember there is no tip as powerful as spending time on the water applying your craft. Spending time worm fishing is the best way to learn to catch more fish, and these tips will most surely help as well.

1. Deep Water - In any small river or stream there will be a series of riffles (shallow water), runs (deeper flowing water), and pools(the deepest water with least current). Most fish will be found in deeper water most of the time. This isn't always the case, but it's a good rule to start with. The deeper flowing water of runs are a great place for worm fishing
2. Bottom - When worm fishing you will have the most success when your worm is bounding along the bottom naturally, with the current. The best way to achieve this is to attach your hooks to your line using a small barrel swivel and use small slit shot sinkers as weight. Split shot are then added or removed dependent on the depth of the water and current flow to keep your worm bouncing along the bottom.

3. Gang Hooks - while worm fishing one of the most crucial points is that your bait look as natural as imaginable. You want your worm to look like, well a worm, and this is accomplished through the use of gang hooks. Gang hooks are simply a pair of small hooks tied in tandem which enable worms to be represented in an extended and natural manner.

4. Clean Hands - Any aromas that are on your hands will carry-over to your worm and cost you bites. This being particularly true with larger, more veteran fish. For this reason you want to make sure that your hands are free from any unnatural scents. This can be established either by using odor neutralizing soap or by rubbing your hands in a handful of grass or dirt before baiting up. Clean hands make a difference when worm fishing.

Apply one or all of these tips sooner instead of later and you will become more successful in worm fishing.

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